Originally authored by Heather M. Lloyd. Updated and expanded by Kurt Anderson, Ph.D.


1890 | January 30. Born near Beattie, Kansas, to Edward P. Debo and Lina E. Cooper Debo.

1899 | November. Moved to Marshall, Oklahoma Territory.

1902 | Received common school diploma.

1906 | Attended one year of high school.

1907-1910 | Obtained teacher's certificate and taught in rural schools near Marshall, OK.

1913 | Graduated from Marshall High School.

1913-1915 | Taught in rural schools near Marshall, OK.

1915-1918 | Student at the University of Oklahoma, Norman.

1918 | Received Bachelor’s degree in history from the University of Oklahoma, Norman.

1918-1919 |  Principal, Village School, North Enid, OK.

1919-1923 | Taught history at Senior High School, Enid, OK.

1920 | Inducted into Phi Beta Kappa honor society.

1923 | Received Community Service Certificate, Enid, OK.

1923-1924 | Student at the University of Chicago.

1924 | Received master's degree in history from the University of Chicago.

1924-1933 | Member of the history department, West Texas State Teachers College, Canyon, TX. Taught in a high school associated with the college. Studied toward doctorate at the University of Oklahoma and worked on her dissertation.

1924 | Publication of Debo's master's thesis, co-authored with J. Fred Rippy, "The Historical Background of the American Policy of Isolation"

1927 | Inducted into Pi Gamma Mu, national social science honor society.

1931 | Death of Edwin Debo, her brother.

1933 | Received doctorate from the University of Oklahoma. Dissertation entitled History of the Choctaw Nation: From the Close of the Civil War to the End of the Tribal Period.

1933-1934 | Curator of the Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum, West Texas State Teachers College, Canyon, TX.

1934 | Publication of Debo's doctoral dissertation as The Rise and Fall of the Choctaw Republic. Began career as a freelance writer, moved back to Marshall, OK.

1934-1936 | Conducted research and completed manuscript for And Still the Waters Run: The Betrayal of the Five Civilized Tribes, funded in part by a grant from the Social Science Research Council.

1935 | The Rise and Fall of the Choctaw Republic was awarded the John H. Dunning Prize of the American Historical Association. Taught summer school at Stephen F. Austin State Teachers College, Nacogdoches, TX.

1937-1939 | Researched and wrote The Road to Disappearance: A History of the Creek Indians, funded in part by a grant from the Social Science Research Council.

1937 | Participated in editing and conducting interviews for the WPA Indian-Pioneer History Project, which resulted in the Indian Pioneer Papers.

1940-1941 | Supervised the Federal Writers Project in Oklahoma.

1940 | Publication of And Still the Waters Run: The Betrayal of the Five Civilized Tribes, after some revisions were made to the manuscript.

1941 | Publication of The Road to Disappearance: A History of the Creek Indians. Publication of Oklahoma: A Guide to the Sooner State, a product of the Federal Writers Project in Oklahoma.

1942 | Named state's "Outstanding Woman" by Theta Sigma Phi, honorary professional journalism fraternity for women, Oklahoma City chapter, Alfred A. Knopf History fellow.

1943 | Publication of Tulsa: From Creek Town to Oil Capital.

1944 | Publication of Prairie City, the Story of an American Community, her only work of fiction, based on the history of Marshall and nearby towns. Death of Edward P. Debo, her father. Licensed as a local preacher for the United Methodist Church in Marshall.

1946 | Taught summer school at Oklahoma A&M College.

1946-1947 | Rockefeller Fellow, University of Oklahoma.

1947-1955 | Served on the faculty of the Oklahoma A&M College Library, as curator of maps.

1949 | Publication of Oklahoma, Foot-loose and Fancy-free, funded in part by the Rockefeller Fellowship. Conducted survey of social and economic conditions in full-blood settlements of the Five Tribes for the Indian Rights Association.

1950 | Inducted into the Oklahoma Memorial Association's Oklahoma Hall of Fame.

1951 | Publication of The Five Civilized Tribes of Oklahoma: Report on Social and Economic Conditions.

1952 | Inducted into Gamma Theta Upsilon, national professional geographic fraternity, Initiated into Delta Kappa Gamma, national honor society for women teachers.

1952-1954 | Wrote a column entitled "This Week in Oklahoma History" for the Oklahoma City Times.

1952-1961 | Book reviewer for the New York Times.

1953 | Publication of Oliver Nelson's The Cowman’s Southwest: Being the Reminiscences of Oliver Nelson, Freighter, Camp Cook, Cowboy, Frontiersman in Kansas, Indian Territory, Texas, and Oklahoma, 1878-1893, edited by Debo. Member of Phi Kappa Phi honor society.

1954 | Death of Lina Debo, her mother.

1956-1966 | Member, Board of Directors, Association on American Indian Affairs.

1956 | Conducted a survey of the Relocation Policy as it affected Oklahoma Indians, for the Association on American Indian Affairs.

1957-1958 | Taught Oklahoma history at Oklahoma State University.

1958 | Angie Debo Recognition Day, Marshall, OK. Traveled to Europe and the U.S.S.R., with European Seminar of the Council for Christian Social Action.

1958-1959 | Edited Oklahoma Indian Newsletter.

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1960 | Attended a summer seminar in Mexico.

1961 | Awarded honorary life membership in the Oklahoma Historical Society.

1962 | Publication of Horatio B. Cushman's History of the Choctaw, Chickasaw, and Natchez Indians, edited by Debo. Awarded a certificate of contribution to Oklahoma City by the Soroptimist Club of Oklahoma City. Traveled to Canada.

1963 | Traveled to England.

1965 | Taught at the Institute of American Indian Arts, Santa Fe, NM.

1966 | Traveled to Africa.

1969 | Prairie City Days, Marshall, OK (annual celebration). Traveled to Alaska.

1969-1975 | Lobbied for land rights of Alaska Natives.

1970 | Publication of A History of the Indians of the United States. Received an "Okie" certificate from the State of Oklahoma. Received a tribute from the Oklahoma State Federation of Women's Clubs.

1971 | Received the award for best non-fiction from the Oklahoma Writer's Federation.

1972 | Honored by Navajo Community College, Tsaile, AZ.

1973 | Invited to participate in L.S. Ayers Tribute to the American Indian, Indianapolis, IN. Received Distinguished Service Award from the Oklahoma Heritage Association.

1973-1975 | Lobbied for water rights for Havasupai Indians in Arizona.

1973-1976 | Member, Board of Directors, Oklahoma Chapter of ACLU.

1974 | Awarded honorary life membership, Oklahoma Writers Federation.

1975 | Appointed member of the Oklahoma Bicentennial Commission.

1975-1976 | Lobbied for water rights for Pima Indians, Arizona.

1976 | Publication of Geronimo: The Man, His Time, His Place. Angie Debo Day was declared in Canyon, TX. Received the Henry G. Bennett Distinguished Service Award, Oklahoma State University. Received the Pride of the Plainsmen Award from Enid (OK) High School. Received the Bicentennial Medal from the Oklahoma Library Association.

1977 | Selected by the Border Regional Library Association (El Paso, TX) to receive its Southwest Book Award for Biography, for Geronimo: The Man, His Time, His Place.

1978 | Received Honorary Doctor of Letters from Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC. Received the Newsmaker Award from the Tulsa Chapter of Women in Communications. Received the Wrangler Award from the Western Heritage Association of the National Cowboy Hall of Fame for Geronimo: The Man, His Time, His Place. Received Southwestern Library Association's 1978 Book Award for Geronimo: The Man, His Time, His Place.

1979 | Received Award of Merit from the American Association for State and Local History. Awarded an honorary degree from Phillips University, Enid, OK.

1980 | Reception held in Debo's honor, Oklahoma State University.

1981 | Received the Award of Merit from the Western History Association.

1981-1985 | Was interviewed for an oral history project by Gloria Valencia-Weber and Glenna Matthews, Oklahoma State University faculty.

1982 | History Department, Oklahoma State University, established the "Angie Debo Award for Oklahoma History." Received honorary life membership from the Payne County, OK, Historical Society.

1982-1986 | Filming and interviewing by Institute for Research in History to prepare documentary for American Experience Series.

1983 | Inducted into the National Cowgirl Hall of Fame, Hereford, TX. Received the Distinguished Service Citation of the University of Oklahoma Alumni Association.

1984 | Inducted into the Oklahoma Women's Hall of Fame by the Oklahoma Governor's Advisory Commission on the Status of Women.

1985 | Designated as an Ambassador of Goodwill by the Cherokee Nation. Received Certificate of Recognition from the Muscogee (Creek) Nation. Honored by the State of Oklahoma by having portrait hung in the Rotunda of the State Capitol.

1986 | Received the Achievement Award from the American Indian Historians Association.

1987 | Granted the Award for Scholarly Distinction from the American Historical Association.

1988 | January 24 | Governor Henry L. Bellmon presented the Award for Scholarly Distinction in a special ceremony in Marshall, OK.

1988 | February 21 | Debo passed away; burial in North Cemetery, Marshall, OK.

1988October | Debo was the subject of a PBS television documentary prepared by the Institute on Research in History (New York City) entitled Indians, Outlaws, and Angie Debo, which aired as part of the American Experience series

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