On February 21, 1988, Dr. Angie Debo passed away in her sleep at the age of 98, still residing in Marshall, Oklahoma. She remained active in research much of her life, having published Geronimo: The Man, His Time, His Place (University of Oklahoma Press, 1976) at the age of 86. In her last decade, Dr. Debo received a number of awards and honorary degrees, the last of which was the American Historical Association's Award for Scholarly Distinction, which was awarded to her in 1987 and presented just a month prior to her passing by Oklahoma Governor Henry Bellmon.
This section contains two different resources remarking on the passing of Dr. Debo. The first is a eulogy written by Gloria Valencia-Weber based on comments she delivered at the February 24, 1988, memorial service for Dr. Debo. The second is a bit more unusual, being a submission to The New York Times' "Overlooked" project, which is an attempt to provide notices for remarkable individuals whose obituaries originally should have appeared in the Times but, for various reasons, did not. Oklahoma State University Library's Cathy Shuffield and Dr. Kurt Anderson prepared an application to have Dr. Debo included in this project, and their argument for her inclusion is full of details about her life and achievements.